Almond Sorting & Processing Equipment

Our complete range of almond processing equipment ensures that processors can consistently meet even the most stringent quality requirements, while improving the yield and profitability of their line. For example, our almond sorting equipment utilizes the most advanced digital technology to identify product defects, shells, rocks, sticks, paper, rubber, plastics, glass and more. Powered by a unique hyperspectral inspection technology, our VERYX BioPrint digital sorter reliably sorts out even the most challenging nut defects like insect damage and dry and low-moisture nut meat, while performing highly accurate color grading. Our almond conveyors can grade, size and separate with screens that can be removed quickly and easily to reduce cleaning and changeover time.

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Almonds on VERYX C140
Sorting Almonds on VERYX C140
Almonds Processing on Optyx® 3000 Laser / Camera Sorter