The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.
Support is Just a Call Away
February 2023
Although we produce the most reliable sorting and conveying systems in the business, from time to time issues may arise with your equipment that require additional technical support. As a Key Technology customer, you can be confident that when you contact our technical support team you will be connected with the technician best qualified to handle your particular issue. Our team is comprised of highly qualified specialists, experienced in field service, research and development, and/or manufacturing.
Dedicated Support
When you contact support at 877.878.4631, and select option two, you will be connected with equipment experts. Our technical support team consists of eleven dedicated technicians – eight optical sorter technicians, and three conveyor technicians. Whether you’re calling during the day, or after-hours, these same help desk technicians, with the addition of experienced field service technicians, are available to troubleshoot any unexpected, high-priority issue you may have.
Optical Sorter Support
Our optical sorter technicians have a variety of tools at their disposal to perform remote troubleshooting steps. However, the most significant tool is remote connection to your sorter via a remote connection agent. For example, TeamViewer (Key Technology’s preferred agent) allows instantaneous access to your sorter, which results in a faster diagnoses, and less downtime. Our technicians are not limited by our own remote connection agent. They are capable of working with customer VPNs, VNC, and cloud-based virtual machines like AWS Workspace. Whether your problem is hardware or software related, we have the expertise and processes in place to resolve your issue and get you sorting again.
Conveyor Support
Although we produce the most reliable conveyor systems in the business, from time to time you may experience an issue that requires expert technical support. To meet your needs, we have dedicated conveyor technicians available with a combined 60+ years of experience. From simple schematic look-ups, to complex product application solutions, you can be sure that our industry experts, using the latest diagnostics tools, will resolve your particular situation.
What You Can Expect When You Call
When you call our help desk, expect to be asked a few questions including your name, place of business, contact information, model and serial number of your equipment, and a description of your problem. A picture is worth a thousand words – this is especially true in the optical sorting and material handling business! In many cases, our technicians will ask for a photo or video, so that we can make an accurate determination of the root cause of your issue, and recommend the best corrective action.
Additionally, each tech support call will lead to the creation of a help desk ticket. If you are disconnected, we will have all the information we need to contact you and continue working on your case. Each case receives a unique ticket number. This gives the customer, technician, supervisor, and manager immediate access to all information related to your particular issue. Everyone with access to that ticket will be able to see the latest information, pose a question, and inquire on the status of the ticket
While your case will receive a ticket number, you will not. When you call in, you will not be treated like a number, but an individual with the personal attention you deserve.
Support Tickets
Call 1-877-878-4631 (Section Option 2). Or, email service at This will automatically create a ticket for all registered users. If you are not a registered user, or if you need to to create a new ticket from scratch, visit:
Not Registered?
Registration is quick and easy, and you only need to register once. To sign up for an approved account and create your first ticket, visit and enter your details as shown, below: (See: Figure 1)

(Figure 1)
After your initial registration, all future tickets can be created simply by sending an email to When submitting a ticket, please enter the following format in the subject line: Company Name / City or Country / Machine Name or Model / Issues
Example: Acme Foods / Dallas / Optyx 6000R / Network Communication Error (See: Figure 2)
(Figure 2)
After you click “Submit” your ticket will be created. (See: Figure 3)
(Figure 3)
Remember, We’re Here to Help!
Our global SupportPro service team is here to assist you with all of your training, service and parts needs. Contact us today – we’re always here to help you meet your processing goals!