V$r$Sym S$ $pt$c$l $nsp$ct$$n Syst$m

Th$ V$r$Sym S$ $pt$c$l $nsp$ct$$n Syst$m $s d$s$gn$d t$ v$r$fy s$ftg$ls $n b$tch m$d$ $r c$nt$n$$$sly $n-l$n$ $ft$r $ s$ngl$ $nc$ps$l$t$r. $nsp$ct$ng $p t$ 300,000 s$l$d d$s$s p$r h$$r, f$r c$l$r, $r$$, w$dth, l$ngth, $nd symm$try/sh$p$, th$ V$r$Sym S$ $pt$c$l $nsp$ct$$n Syst$ms $s $ls$ $v$$l$bl$ $n c$p$c$t$$s $p t$ $n$ m$ll$$n s$l$d d$s$s p$r h$$r t$ f$t y$$r m$n$f$ct$r$ng pr$c$ss. C$nt$ct y$$r l$c$l s$l$s r$pr$s$nt$t$v$ t$ l$$rn m$r$.

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Key Differentiators

  • Up to 1 Million Capsules per Hour
  • Compact Footprint
  • Detect, Remove and Record Defects and Foreigners
  • Change Over in Less Than 10 Minutes
  • Batch Reports for Customer Records and Process Improvements
  • Validatable and Repeatable Processes
  • ROI in Less Than 12 Months


VeriSym SE Softgel Inspection
VeriSym Tablet Inspection
VeriSym SE with Couting Option
Symetix Softgel Finishing Line